[pb_header_subheader][pb_header_subheader_header font_size=”0″]Training, Creativity and Social Inclusion Workshops[/pb_header_subheader_header][pb_header_subheader_subheader font_size=”0″][/pb_header_subheader_subheader][/pb_header_subheader]
Within our Soycomotu® Project, the Cattell Psychologists Foundation presents the fourth edition of the Annual Program for Inclusive Training and Creativity Workshops aimed at people with and without mental health problems from 12 years of age (age range according to each workshop).
These workshops are free (except a 10 € registration fee), with sessions lasting two hours throughout the year in non-healthcare public spaces (cultural centers, libraries, museums), an important aspect when the goal is true inclusion and social participation of people with mental health problems as full citizens.
The team of Volunteers is essential for the realization of this type of activities, especially, because they all have or have had experience in mental health. They are neither psychologists, nor psychiatrists, but they are either recovered people or are in the process of recovery or they live with a family member with mental health problems. These volunteers, who are activists and experts by themselves, have decided to bet on the fight against stigma, taking full meaning of the phrase “Nothing about us without us” (“Nihil de nobis, sine nobis”). They are monitors and facilitators of inclusive training workshops in which people interact and learn (without labels), enriching themselves with diversity and overcoming the prejudices that limit us all.
One of the main purposes of this program is inclusive training: to accompany and contribute to the elimination of barriers and prejudices that stigmatize and isolate people suffering from depression, schizophrenia or any other type of symptomatology, promoting and favoring their social and labor participation and inclusion.
Another of the main goals, of course, is that the people who attend these courses learn, stimulate their desires to expand knowledge and perhaps discover any vocation or special interest for a certain matter that favors self-realization and the increase of self-esteem and confidence in oneself and others.
Workshops aimed at:
These activities are intended for people aged 12 and older (depending on the workshop); they will be free (with the exception of a 10 € registration fee) and will be held during the 2017/2018 academic year, with a periodicity of one weekly session lasting two to three hours, depending on the workshop, and over nine months (October-June).
- The different workshops are part of larger and longer-term projects in which participants from previous and subsequent courses can be added.
- An osmotic tribe format. With these workshops we do not seek the achievement of a training based on master classes. Our idea is, rather, that of a circular way, an osmotic tribe format where we all learn from everyone, that will allow us to enjoy, know, socialize, discover concerns, develop projects individually or in groups, acquiring knowledge of various fields.
- An open itinerary where students will be the ones who decide the path and where, among other things, everyone’s ideas can be considered.
- A weekly meeting, in a two-hour relaxed frame, in which social participation and the impulse that many people need to develop their creativity and express their particular way of seeing the world will be promoted.
- Interaction of some workshops with others, in which the participants can exchange impressions about the different contents, ongoing projects, applied methodologies…
- Certificate. At the end of the workshop the student will receive a certificate of participation and development of projects with the total of theoretical-practical hours (80 hours).
Promotional Video IV Edition of the Training, Creativity and Social Inclusion soycomotu® Workshops Course 207/2018
With this video we want to disseminate a pioneering resource for training, inclusion and social participation of people with and without diagnosis in non-healthcare public cultural contexts. These workshops, which constitute a bridge between social isolation and the return to the work or academic world, have been growing in successive editions, both in the number of workshops held and in the number of participants. In the first edition the program had 5 workshops, in the fourth edition it has 13 workshops and the range of ages has been extended to 12 years. This year, the Inclusive Chess workshop has been included for adolescents from 12 to 14 years old and four other workshops for people over 15 years of age.
The annual Soycomotu workshop program can be accessed by anyone wishing to train in different artistic and cultural subjects:
- Theater, Body Expression and Dramatization Workshop
- Cooking, Creativity and Gastronomic Intelligence Workshop
- Radio, Creativity and Audiovisual Communication Workshop
- Film and History (or History through Cinema) Workshop
- Photography and Social Photojournalism Workshop
- Dance and Body Expression Workshop. Latin Rhythms
- Musical Expression and Life Workshop
- Computer and Internet Workshop
- Inclusive Chess Workshop
- Drawing and Artistic Expression Workshop
- Film Workshop: Make your Movie (or a movie)
- Activism and Performance Workshop
- Literature and Creative Writing Workshop
The images that appeared in the video have been recorded throughout the 3rd Edition (Course 2016/2017) of the Training, Creativity and Social Inclusion soycomotu® Workshops Program, and are a sample of the activities that you can do in the 4th Edition of these workshops that will take place next year 2017/2018.
Open registration period starting on September 1, 2017, by calling: 968 274079
Promotional Video III Edition Social Participation, Creativity and Mental Health Soycomotu® Workshops:
The images appeared in the video have been recorded throughout the 2nd Edition (2015/2016 course) of the Social Participation, Creativity and Mental Health SoycomoTu® Workshops Program.

And the great day arrived on Friday, June 23, 2017. The Cattell Psychologists Foundation prepared with dedication and, above all, with much love, the Closing Ceremony of the III Edition Annual Program of the Inclusive Formation, Creativity and Mental Health Soycomotu® Workshops Program, attended by participants, family members and guests up to a total of more than 240 people, full capacity of the Culture Classroom of the Cajamurcia Foundation.

The act began with a welcome video in which the monitors of each workshop appear in a funny way.
Welcome video of the Closing Ceremony of the 3rd Edition of the Workshops Program
After the lights were turned on, the words of welcome of the president of the Foundation, Dr. Mª Nieves Martínez-Hidalgo:
Closing speech by the President of the Cattell Psychologists Foundation, Dr. Mª Nieves Martínez-Hidalgo
The speech (you can read it in the following link) of Dr. Martinez-Hidalgo speaks of the need and relevance of volunteering to end up emphasizing the need to carry out a work in network, to have institutional support and enhancing the value of cooperation in solidarity projects if what we really want is social change.

Next, Dr. D. Julio C. Martín García-Sancho, Head of the Service of Adult Welfare and Rehabilitation Services of the Murcian Health Service, spoke about the Recovery Model that is currently followed in many places of the world, and whose essence does not lie in the cure of mental illness, since in many cases this is not possible, especially in serious mental disorders, but in the “Recovery”, the recovery of the person, that with the the classic medical model was hidden and / or alienated under the diagnostic label and the stigmatizing attitudes associated with it. In this model the person becomes the architect of his own life.
A basic pillar in the recovery process is social and labor inclusion. And the Cattell Foundation responds to this need following this model started in New Zealand, because in its programs the participation of people with real illness occurs in a real way in interaction with people who do not have these difficulties and in non-sanitary public spaces, as cultural centers, libraries, etc.
A presentation, that of Dr. Julio C. Martín, interesting and instructive that the attendees listened with attention and in which he showed his support to the projects of the Foundation.

The Foundation wanted to award the honorary godmother of the Soycomotu® Program to Ms. Maruja Pelegrín García (Third Lieutenant of the Mayor) and on behalf of the City of Murcia, in gratitude and recognition for her unconditional support in assigning us the use of public not sanitary spaces for the proper implementation of these workshops.
The fight against stigma in mental health is the priority goal of the Foundation and to eradicate attitudes of social discrimination and self-stigmatization, it is essential to favor citizen participation, that is, real social inclusion, a fact that would not occur if this inclusive training it will be implemented in a health environment or in a context in which only people with mental health problems participated.
That the participants can forget about whether or not they have a diagnostic label, have fun and cooperate like any other citizen in activities carried out in cultural centers of the city, leads them to gain confidence in themselves and in others, leads them to feel that they are useful to society, proving how much they have to contribute. These reasons justify the need and relevance of institutional support.
Video of delivery of Honorary Titles of Sponsor and Godfather/Godmother of the Soycomotu® Program to Mr. Ángel Campos, and Ms. Maruja Pelegrín.
The Foundation wanted to grant the mention of Honorary Sponsor of the Soycomotu® Program to Mr. Ángel Campos Gil (Director of the Cultural Center “Las Claras” of the Cajamurcia Foundation) for the nobility of his spirit, for the passion he transmits, for his perseverance in the development of cultural programs and in the social support of solidarity organizations within the framework of the Cajamurcia Foundation. As his favorite quote says “A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a step”, one day, four years ago, the president of the Cattell Psychologists Foundation was fortunate to meet D. Ángel Campos. “At the end of 2013, by appointment, I sat in front of him and without further ado I told him that we had just set up a Foundation, giving him the objectives, values and philosophy of the same and presenting the project of the First Cycle of Community Psychology Days. “I remember his words of support and for me it is an honor to recognize today and always that it was he who helped to take the first step to the newly born Cattell Psychologists Foundation. That same day we set dates for the celebration of the seven Days that were developed with great success throughout 2014 in the Culture Classroom of the Cajamurcia Foundation, addressing issues of awareness and education in mental health such as the Syndrome of Asperger, transsexuality and the stigma in mental health, among others,” commented Dr. Martínez-Hidalgo when she introduced Mr. Ángel Campos.
There have been many more projects: Photography and Photojournalism Workshop, Second and Third Edition; I Cycle of Cinema and Psychology of Cooperation; II Stigma and Mental Health Days; and a long etcetera, in which D. Ángel Campos and the Cajamurcia Foundation have placed their bets on us, putting at our disposal all the necessary technical and human resources.

After the presentation of the honorable mentions, a surprise, a volcano of emotions that D. Enrique Martínez Fernández, participant of the Workshop of Literature and Inclusive Writing, transmitted to all the attendees, who after their performance, stood up with a sustained applause.
Video of D. Enrique Martínez Fernández singing the Rap “On the edge of the page”
A performance as a revelation, a performance as catharsis, as an expression of everything that Enrique had inside and needed to share in the form of rap. Verse, after verse, beat after beat, a real experience: On the edge of the page.
Ms. Elena Lorenzo, social psychologist, presented the data of the III Edition of the Annual Inclusive Formation, Creativity and Mental Health Soycomotu® Workshops Program and compared them with those found in the two previous editions, highlighting both the quantitative analysis, through impact data (it has gone from 50 participants in the first edition -2014 / 2015- to 80 participants in the second -2015 / 2016- and 171 in this third edition -2016 / 2017-, in addition it has gone from 5 workshops to 8, from 7 monitors to 13, 40 hours of theoretical-practical training to 80 hours), as the qualitative analysis we can see among other things in the faces of happiness of participants and family, in the fact that some of them have gotten work thanks to present their diploma of inclusive formation and in all the answers that we can see and hear in this video in which boys and girls with and without problems of mental health have wanted to participate.
Video of the opinion of the participants on the Training in the workshops
Throughout this course, 278 personal interviews have been conducted prior to entering the Workshop Program. 171 Participants with continuity with ages ranging in a wide range have participated: from 14 to 73 years of age. For the Fourth Edition we extend this range, admitting a new Workshop (Inclusive Chess) to boys and girls from 12 years of age. Four other new Workshops: Musical Expression and Life; Drawing and Artistic Expression; Activism and Performance and Make your Movie (or a movie).
After the viewing of this video, so sincere and real, which shows the good climate in the workshops, the moment everyone expected took place, the delivery of diplomas accrediting their effort and participation in each of the eight workshops of the III Edition (2016/2017).
The participants of the inclusive dance workshop had prepared a very lively surprise that made the audience swing in their seats to the rhythm of a cheerful song.


Together with them, the team of monitors of the Cattell Psychologists Foundation accompanied by its President, Dr. Martínez-Hidalgo.
On the twenty-fifth of June 2016 the closing ceremony and delivery of diplomas of the 2nd Edition of the Social Participation, Creativity and Mental Health Soycomotu® Workshops Program took place. The photo shows the satisfaction of all those involved in the task, both the participants, and part of the volunteer team of the Cattell Psychologists Foundation. From here, we thank, and congratulate, to all those people who with their participation get that year after year this image is a reality.
Parents, family and friends, of the 76 participants who could receive their accreditation in person, showed their enthusiasm and gratitude to the Foundation for the completion of these workshops, which in their own words, are giving life to their children, because it allows them to trust in their own abilities, improve their social skills, their self-esteem and self-efficacy.
In this 2nd Edition, 166 boys and girls with and without mental health problems participated, in a total of 7 Workshops in which cooperation, inclusion, encouragement and the development of different cognitive, creative and verbal skills have been favored.
On the afternoon of June twenty-fifth in the premises of the 2nd Pavilion of the Artillery Barracks, in the city of Murcia, it was an unforgettable evening in which there was no lack of tears, smiles, clown trips, hugs … Sponsors and Godmothers, volunteers, a total of 200 attendees at the event, in which anecdotes and reflections were shared, after the dinner that took place once the event was over. Our congratulations to all of them and our wish that next year continue in the 3rd Edition of these Workshops of Social Participation. Our congratulations also to the volunteers, who have given everything and for that reason in this entity they are: Much more than Volunteers.

This year the Cattell Psychologists Foundation wanted to grant a special appointment, as Godmother and Godfather of the Group of Activists in First Person, to Doña María Dolores Arques, and to Juan Carlos Saura, for their active participation in the Community Psychology Conference held to Throughout 2014, sharing ideas and suggestions in colloquia, seminars and cineforums. We would like to thank, in particular, Ms. María Dolores, for her participation in the creation of audiovisuals produced by the Foundation for the awareness and normalization of mental health problems through educational campaigns aimed at both the general population and the specific population within the SoycomoTu® Educational Program, providing their testimony in first person so that adolescents and young people in Secondary Education, Bachelor and Vocational Training are aware that having a mental health problem does not put limits on dreams, and that with effort and perseverance they can come true.

Mr. Rafael Escudero Calmache is grateful for the mention given as Honorary Sponsor of the Soycomotu® Workshops Program, and recognizes the work carried out by the Cattell Psychologists Foundation in the area of social inclusion of all citizens, highlighting the importance of use the culture as a way.

Video Closing Ceremony Social Participation Workshops 2016:
Video of the closing and diploma delivery ceremony of the 2nd Edition of the Social Participation, Creativity and Mental Health Soycomotu® Workshops Program, course 2015/2016.
Video of the closing and diploma delivery ceremony of the 2nd Edition of the Social Participation, Creativity and Mental Health Soycomotu® Workshops Program that the Cattell Psychologists Foundation has developed for the second consecutive year with great satisfaction of participants, volunteers and coordinators.
The first edition consisted of 5 workshops that took place between the months of February and June 2015 throughout 20 sessions of 2 hours each. For this edition 55 people were registered, of which 47 obtained their certificate at the Closing Ceremony held on June 26 in the Artillery Quarter. For the next edition, which will be developed during the 2015/2016 course, 38 people continue.
More details about the Social Participation and Training Soycomotu® Workshops in the interview that Joaquín Azparren and Chema Díaz, moderators of the program “Good morning Murcia” of Onda Regional de Murcia have done to María Nieves M. Hidalgo:
Interview with María Nieves M. Hidalgo in “Good morning Murcia” by ORM
Promotional Video I Edition Social Participation, Creativity and Mental Health Workshops:
[pb_video type=”youtube” src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWcpcKB-fI0″][/pb_video]
Video Closing Ceremony Workshops on Social Participation 2015:
[pb_video type=”youtube” src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hPM8OEfPOE”][/pb_video]
Video Closing Ceremony Workshops on Social Participation 2015:
[pb_video type=”youtube” src=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laNXbA8_TIQ”][/pb_video]

The Soycomotu® Program in the modalities of Social Participation, Creativity and Mental Health, and Education, has two Honorary Sponsors.
Within the framework of the Closing Ceremony of the First Edition of the Workshops on Social Participation, Creativity and Mental Health, organized by the Cattell Psychologists Foundation, the Director of the Regional Broadcasting of Murcia (ORM), the journalist, Mr. Joaquín Azparren, and the teacher, Mrs. Blanca Serna, were awarded with such distinction.
Mr. Joaquín Azparren received the title of Honorary Sponsor of the Soycomotu® Program from the President of the Cattell Psychologists Foundation, Dr. Mª Maria Nieves Martínez Hidalgo.
At a very emotional moment, Dr. Martinez-Hidalgo, deeply thanked Mr. Joaquín the space that from his program, “Buenas días Murcia”, has been offered to the Foundation, and has served to make known the exciting projects that are currently underway. In an act that closed the First Edition of the Workshops, which since February have been held at the Foundation, could not miss a reference to the Radio Workshop and the visit that its participants made to Regional Broadcasting of Murcia. A visit in which students and monitors had the opportunity to put on their helmets and record an interesting dialogue, and in which they were guided and received in an extraordinary way, and at all times, by the newly appointed Honorary Sponsor D. Joaquín Azparren and by all the ORM team.
After the appointment of Mr. Joaquín Azparren, the Teacher Ms. Blanca Serna took the stand. On this occasion, it was Dr. Juan José Regadera, Vice President of the Cattell Psychologists Foundation, who was in charge of awarding her the distinction. Blanca’s contribution to the Soycomotu® program has been enormousThe school where she works was the first in which the activities of the Soycomotu® Education Program were developed. Teacher Blanca Serna, among other collaborations, created the song for the story of “Romualdo, Invisible Ray” and, as a music teacher, she also composed the melody for the song and prepared 4th and 6th grade primary students to sing it in the Music Contest held in Murcia.

From the Cattell Psychologists Foundation we are very proud and grateful to be able to count on sponsors so committed in the fight against the stigma of mental health problems.